Review of Odes from Orion by Tate Gannhauser

DISCLAIMER: Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. All music is subjective to the listener.                                    Feel free to leave comments or your own opinion! Thanks! 

New Jersey based electronic/trance artist Tate Gannhauser creates spaced out ambient dance beats with pulsating synths and arpeggiated rhythms on his newest release "Odes from Orion". This is the second EP from Tate's FROM trilogy. The songs take the listener on a journey through the Orion Constellation/Nebula and the final EP will conclude in the Andromeda Galaxy. He is inspired by the Blade Runner series and the writing of Phillip K. Dick. Be careful when you listen because these songs have the ability to put you into a trance. 

Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis) starts off with low droning bass and some high-pitched shimmering synthesizers. The instruments create feelings of emptiness, vastness and anticipation. The synths fade out around 1:40, but build back up again. 2:53 is when things really start to get exciting and you know you are in for a surprise. The arpeggiated synth makes its entrance and it takes off into a steady  pulsating kick rhythm. The lone tremolo synth around 4:40 marks a nice rest for the track and morphs into a different kick heavy section. This one is a great opener! 

Rigel (Beta Orionis) kicks off (no pun intended) with a steady kick drum and a sharp staccato-like synth. The track continues to build with 16th note hi-hat rhythms and open hi-hats on the upbeat to give the song a bouncy feeling. I really enjoy the back and forth motion of the track. It makes you want to dance, but also makes your head spin in a good way. The organ-like synth that comes in at 3:40 creates a creepy haunted house kind of feeling that adds a sense of uneasiness, yet it's still ambient and uplifting.  

Bellatrix (Gamma Orionis) is the track that I'd want to dance to the most. It is atmospheric and full sounding. 2:54 is my favorite part of the song. That rhythmic bass is driving and heavy. The different sections are able to keep my interest in the song without it sounding too drawn out. 

All in all, Odes from Orion is the perfect five song collection of space dance songs that create the sensation that you are all alone floating through space. The blend of dance beats, mesmerizing synthesizers and sci-fi aesthetic is unique. Gannhauser is definitely on to something here. The production is professional, the synths don't sound generic and are processed well. Be on the lookout for his third and final EP of the FROM trilogy coming soon! Also be sure to check out the music below! Thanks for reading!  


Score: 7.5/10

Favorite Track: Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis) 
